I Hate Mondays!

There was a time when I absolutely hated Mondays, When I would wake after the weekend and it would be the first thing to roll off my tongue “I hate Mondays”

Can you relate? ……

Now this is a true story I was in my early 20s and to be honest I did party a lot back then

(who didn’t at that age) ….
I was living on Bondi Beach (Sydney) having the time of my life!!

However I was working as a practice manager at a dental surgery and I would quite often take Mondays off.

I hate Mondays… the usual scenario, it was the start of a new week and sometimes I was hung over from the weekend but in all honesty it was just that dread of it being a Monday morning…

The society blue print always hearing I hate Mondays its contagious right?

I’m sharing this story so you can see just how marvellous the universe is, and how you are manifesting at all times into your life, and what you think about most you get! (FACT)….

The power of repetition and affirmations!

Yep repeating what you are saying, you attract! (It’s that Simple)

Just to clarify….

I know so many others say repeatedly I hate Mondays…

When I use too it was more a case of the way I was saying it, and following with how cool it would be to have a long weekend, how great would it be to be able to sleep on the beach today get over my hangover!

There was almost a state of how great it would be to have Mondays off all the time!

Plus I was often taking them off and recovering on the beach anyway…..

I’ve always been fortunate and again knowing the universe always had my back it just seem to swing right back in my favour all the time..

I’ll never forget the boss taking me for lunch and he brought up the situation about all the Mondays I had been taking off through the year!

Seriously at that moment I thought I’m about to lose my job…

After all I hate Mondays I’d taken so many off did I really deserve to keep my job?

What happened next was a complete 180 turn around!

It was actually quite the opposite he explained to me, clearly I don’t like Mondays and so he offered me…

Would I like to reduce my working week to four days?

So I could now permanently have Mondays off?

WTF! Did he just say that?

I couldn’t believe my luck!!

Some would call me jammy! And all my friends did……I remember my flat mate saying how do you always get what you want? You’re so Lucky……

(We create our own luck right? nothings by chance in this universe)

Of course the Laws of Attraction are always at work and the law of polarity & the law of cause & effect were also involved here…….

Once I realized how many public holiday Mondays I was now NOT going to be paid for, there was a slight adjustment to my happy dance ….

However I still believed it was a win-win situation for both my boss and I, we had a great few more years together,me working a 4 day week, having long weekends and hanging on the beach every Monday!

That was the start of my “I hate Mondays” turning into I love Mondays!

And of course confirmation the universe was always providing for me exactly what I wanted…..

Fast forward 20 years….

I am now completely in love with Mondays ….

Now of course you could say I’ve grown up and things have obviously changed in my life I don’t have a boss anymore and I work for myself so what is it about Mondays I love?

It’s that same new beginning I feel every single day that I wake up, with a chance to start again a chance to make it better a chance to work on me.

Another day of living this wonderful gift of life we have been given…

There’s something special about the freshness of a Monday and the feeling of a new start..

Seriously I can take Saturday and Sunday off and have the most magnificent weekend with my family yet I just cannot wait to wake up on Monday morning to get myself rolling into the working week ahead!

That to me is when you know you are in love with what you do…

I am so blessed I get to help women get Completely Aligned With their Mission & Get Paid

To Do What they Truly Love Doing ….It’s just Priceless!

Working for myself being the female entrepreneur I was born to be,

I was guided through a visualization manifestation and gratitude journey and as I say now I fucking love Mondays!!!!!!!!

If you’re in a place where you are saying I hate Mondays…

Trust me you can change your world by changing your thoughts

Start by being grateful on a Monday morning for what you already have, trust me gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can use to create happiness and to truly change your world x…..

If you’ve not yet grabbed my guide on changing your world you can via the Simple Steps To Abundance Blog Post clicking here


Of course if you’re a woman on a mission to create your own destiny, get paid doing what you love, and need some direction reach out!

Come and join our Facebook group full of women stepping out and supporting one another!

Much Love Claire x

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