My Story
Hiya! I’m Claire an everyday girl who chose to do things a little differently x.x
An Opportunist, Go Getter, Self-Driven, Tenacious, Fun Loving kind of girl……
I was Born in Manchester UK, I had a tremendous up bringing with a super huge fun loving family, on one of the biggest council estates in Europe! It was such a colourful life to say the least…
I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly and trust me nothing would make my toes curl, I’ve seen it all,but of course like anything my journey has made me who I am today and I wouldn’t change a thing , I adore my family and family is one of my highest values in life (Along with Honesty & Integrity) x..
I flew to Australia aged 23 for a 5 week holiday, and as I say, tenacious, fun loving opportunist, worked dam hard and I’m still here, now living the dream over 20yrs later, with my beautiful little family ….
I always had fire in my belly, my flames been blown out from time to time, but have always found a way to find something that lights me up again….
I’ve been on some journey to find my passion and I know lots of people never find it, so I’m feeling super blessed in my life right now..
Maybe it’s an age thing? You see for me the penny actually dropped when I hit 40 and found the online space!
After I had my little girl (a super late Mum at 40) I decided to study the online world of marketing, determined to find a way to stay home with her (as I didn’t want to leave her with anyone else) x…
Now for someone who was technically challenged most days and still too this day cannot create an Excel spread sheet properly! (Seriously)
Trust me when I say …If I can do this, SO CAN YOU! …
ILearning online systems, processes & automations is one of the greatest gifts you can learn for your business!
I always knew there was a purpose a more deep and meaning full way of living from being a little girl, I always challenged the status quo, and had my own way of doing things you could say! (Which is probably why I ended up in Australia)
I’ve had a successful career in life and business doing all sorts of wonderful things, lots of entrepreneurial ventures, always been one to think outside the box, take risks and take complete leaps of faith into the unknown, that to me was always exciting!
I kinda always new the universe had my back anyway! x
I believe you’re never too old to shine online
And you’re never too old to start again…
“ Life Can Begin at 40 Again ..
Online ! ”
However the ‘thing’ I’ve always done best throughout my career and business life – has always been with people.
I Love people! Always been one to help a hand, share advice, be the go to person, and bend over backwards to help a friend, and enjoy a good lunch out! You gotta have your social balance too right..
After spending quite some years in Network Marketing, I began coaching and training clients how to build their business online, how to generate leads and use the internet to grow, this lead me into Affiliate Marketing and Coaching with Online Marketing systems, Becoming a leader at Elite Marketing Pro.
This is where my passion was born, teaching women social media & online marketing, So they could generate their own leads online. Building lead pages with great offers.
I qualified in Law Of Attraction Coaching and brought another bow to my arrow
Hence Now Serving – Online Business & Mindset Coaching with a law of attraction twist..
I brought all my talents and expertise together with branding, marketing and social media training,
Yep you could say……I mingled it all!
My passion now is not only inspiring you wonderful women, to come step out of your comfort zone, be the divine being you were born to be, but to shine the best version of you online, in your new business venture.
Attract into your life the exact level of success you want, blending your physical with your metaphysical you truly can work magic when you decide to take ACTION…
Working with Law of Attraction Coaching, Mindset & Success Coaching, Social Media & Branding……
The worlds your oyster, You’re never too old to start again!
Are you Fabulous and 40 plus and ready to shine online?